Delaware Addenda

除了正规赌博十大平台排行手册中规定的政策之外, 这些政策仅适用于在以下各州工作的员工. Each state addendum should be read in addition to The University of Denver handbook and only modifies the provisions included in the addendum. 

如果正规赌博十大平台排行手册和适用的附录之间有任何冲突, 适用的附录应适用. 正规赌博十大平台排行正规赌博十大平台排行手册或附录的任何问题都可以直接发送到人力资源合作伙伴


本附录仅适用于特拉华州的员工. 本附录是正规赌博十大平台排行手册的补充,仅修改附录中包含的条款.


For Delaware employees, reimbursable expenses include the cost of purchasing and maintaining any tools required for the performance of their position and, if a uniform is required, the cost of purchasing, maintaining, and cleaning the uniform. 它还包括与商务相关的差旅费用. 

Crime Victim Leave

特拉华员工的犯罪受害者, 或者是犯罪受害者的法定代理人, 可以不带薪休假(i)参加, at the prosecutor’s request, in preparation for a criminal justice proceeding; (ii) attend a criminal justice proceeding if the attendance is reasonably necessary to protect the interests of the victim; or (iii) attend a criminal justice proceeding in response to a subpoena. 

For purposes of this policy, “犯罪受害者”是指在警方报告中被认定为犯罪受害者的人, 刑事控诉或逮捕证, 起诉书起诉书或其他指控文书. 这个短语还包括父母, guardian, 或者是受害者的监护人由于身体原因无法真正理解或参与法律程序, 心理或精神障碍. The following relatives of a deceased victim are also “victims” under this policy so long as they are not alleged to have committed or conspired to commit the crime at issue:  spouse, adult child, stepchild, parent, or sibling. A “legal representative of a victim” is a member of the victim's family or an individual designated to represent the victim’s interests by the victim themselves or a court in which the crime is being or could be prosecuted.

根据这项政策,员工必须提前合理通知正规赌博十大平台排行需要休假, if practicable. 如果提前通知不可行,员工必须尽快提供通知. 正规赌博十大平台排行可以要求学生提供请假所需的合理文件.

正规赌博十大平台排行将根据本政策将所有与员工休假相关的信息视为机密. The University of Denver will not discriminate or retaliate against employees for requesting or taking leave in compliance with this policy. 员工可以在本政策规定的无薪休假期间使用可用的假期和/或带薪病假.



遭受家庭暴力的特拉华员工, sexual assault, or stalking, 是否可以不带薪休假以获得或试图获得任何救济, including, but not limited to, 临时限制令, restraining order, or other injunctive relief, to help ensure the health, safety, 或雇员或雇员子女的福利. 正规赌博十大平台排行还将为遭受家庭暴力的员工提供合理的便利, sexual assault, or stalking if the employee has disclosed to The University of Denver the employee’s 家庭暴力受害者的身份, sexual assault, or stalking; the employee requests a reasonable accommodation for the safety of the employee while at work; and the accommodation is reasonable and would not pose an undue hardship on the University. 

员工必须提前合理通知正规赌博十大平台排行请假的需要, if practicable. 正规赌博十大平台排行可以要求学生提供请假所需的合理文件, including a police report, court order, doctor’s note, 或者其他形式的文件. 

The University of Denver will treat all information related to an employee’s leave or reasonable accommodation pursuant to this policy as confidential. The University of Denver will not discriminate or retaliate against employees for requesting or taking leave or reasonable accommodation in compliance with this policy. 



这只是正规赌博十大平台排行完整政策的摘录,各州具体信息用斜体表示. 详情请参阅完整的保单.

The University of Denver is an equal opportunity employer and makes employment decisions based on merit and University needs. 创造一个包容和专业的环境,让员工感到舒适, safe, 没有不恰当和不尊重的行为是大学的核心价值观之一. 

正规赌博十大平台排行在就业的任何方面都没有歧视, 包括招聘和雇佣, job assignment, compensation, opportunities for advancement, promotion, transfers, evaluation, benefits, training, discipline, and termination), 它也不能容忍任何人的骚扰, including, co-workers, supervisors, and third parties, 基于下列受保护特征: In Delaware: race (including hair that is part of the cultural identification of an ethnic group or that is a physical characteristic of an ethnic group, such as braids, locks, or twists), marital status, genetic information, color, age, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, 志愿紧急救援人员状态, 家庭暴力受害者的身份, sexual offenses, or stalking, 生殖健康决定, genetic information, military status, and family responsibilities

有关特拉华州人际关系部门的信息可在以下网站找到 or by calling 877-544-8626. 

Election Officer Leave

Delaware employees who are not in a critical need position may take time off work to serve as an election officer on an election day. 根据这项政策,员工必须有假期可以用来休假.

“危急需要职位”是公共安全领域的职位, corrections, transportation, health care, or utilities; a position in a company that has 20 or fewer employees; or a position in a business or industry for which it is necessary to be in service or operation on election days.


Employees will not be terminated if they are absent from work as a result of being isolated or quarantined during a public health emergency. 如果员工因为拒绝接受检查而被隔离,则不会得到这种保护, treatment, or vaccination program. Employees should provide The University of Denver with reasonable notice of the need for leave after receiving an isolation or quarantine order. 正规赌博十大平台排行可能需要合理的订单文件.

Pay Transparency

Delaware employees will be notified, in writing, 他们的工资率和工作时间, hour, 雇用或更换职位时的付款地点. 员工也会收到通知, in writing, 工资的减少或工作时间的改变, hour, 或付款地点的更改生效前.

Jury Duty Leave 

The University of Denver encourages all employees to report for jury duty and provides Delaware employees with unpaid time off for jury duty service. 当陪审员的假是没有报酬的, 免薪雇员在工作的任何一周都不会减薪,也不会错过陪审义务的时间. 雇员的陪审团服务费不会从他们的正常工资中扣除.

在收到陪审团义务的传票后, 员工必须在合理的情况下尽快通知正规赌博十大平台排行. 正规赌博十大平台排行可以在法律允许的范围内要求合理的陪审团义务服务文件. 正规赌博十大平台排行不会开除他, discipline, retaliate against, coerce, 或以其他方式惩罚因应陪审团义务而缺席司法程序的员工. 


Meal and Rest Breaks

除非集体谈判协议或其他书面协议另有约定, non-exempt Delaware employees who work at least seven and a half hours in their workday are entitled and expected to take an unpaid, off-duty, 30-minute meal break. 午休时间必须在轮班的前两个小时和最后两个小时之间. 员工在用餐休息时间将被免除所有职责,并在此期间自由离开场所. 不吃饱饭是违反正规赌博十大平台排行政策的, 哪些因素可能使员工受到纪律处分, 可能包括终止雇佣关系.

未满18岁且在工作日工作至少5小时的非免税员工有权并有望获得无薪假, off-duty, 30-minute meal break. 员工在用餐休息时间将被免除所有职责,并在此期间自由离开场所. 不吃饱饭是违反正规赌博十大平台排行政策的, 哪些因素可能使员工受到纪律处分, 可能包括终止雇佣关系.

Sexual Harassment Policy

Delaware Training

正规赌博十大平台排行有50名或更多的员工, all supervisor employees will receive sexual harassment training within six months of becoming a supervisor and at least every two years after that.



特拉华州的员工都是应急志愿者, including, volunteer firefighters, 志愿消防公司妇女辅助队的成员, 志愿急救医务人员, 或者志愿消防警察, 可以不带薪休假以应对政府宣布的连续7天的紧急状态, 为了应对总统宣布的长达14天的全国紧急状态, 或者是他们作为志愿紧急救援人员所受的伤害. 政府雇员, members of the armed forces, members of the National Guard, 有执照的医院的雇员, and employees of public utilities or providers of voice-over IP service or cellular telephone service who are necessary to either (i) maintain the integrity of network and facilities or (ii) assist first responders, 在此政策下没有资格休假.

Employees must provide The University of Denver reasonable advance notice of the need for leave under this policy and that they may be absent from work because of their status as a volunteer emergency responder. 正规赌博十大平台排行可以要求学生提供合理的文件,以反映请假的必要性, including a written statement signed by the individual in charge of the applicable volunteer department or another authorized individual confirming that the employee responded to an emergency, 紧急事件的日期和时间, and the date and time they completed the volunteer emergency activities; a written statement signed by a medical professional or another authorized individual that the employee was seen by the medical professional, 他们被医疗专业人员看到的日期, 以及他们部分或完全无法完成工作的预计时间. 员工还必须通知正规赌博十大平台排行,他们作为紧急救援志愿者的身份有任何变化, 包括该身份的终止. The University of Denver will not discriminate or retaliate against any employee for requesting or taking leave in compliance with this policy.


Voting Leave

Delaware employees may take up to two hours of paid time off to vote on election day if they are scheduled to work at least eight hours on the day of the election.

Employees must provide The University of Denver at least two working days’ notice of their need to take time off under this policy. 休假应该在员工工作日的开始或结束时进行, 除非正规赌博十大平台排行另有规定. 如果到投票站和返回工作岗位需要两个多小时, 员工可以使用累算带薪休假来弥补额外的休假时间.

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