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Media Relations Manager

Media Relations Manager"


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这篇文章发表在正规赌博十大平台排行杂志的春季号上. 参观 杂志网站 获得额外的内容,并以原始格式阅读本文和其他文章.

It was a Sunday afternoon at Magness Arena in February 2020. 正规赌博十大平台排行女子体操队在近5人的面前迎战乔治华盛顿大学,500名粉丝. 先锋队队员和当时还小的林恩兹·布朗在场上比赛, their final rotation of the afternoon.

“As I’m going up for the double back pike, I realize that I’m probably not going to l和 this,布朗说. “Thankfully, I was able to think quickly 和 l和 safely.”

As she pushed off for that final flip, 布朗立刻意识到她的右跟腱撕裂了. It was the first major injury of her career, 这是在她母亲突然去世不到一年之后发生的.

“这种身体上的疼痛使我从这种感觉中清醒过来,我只是在经历生活的过程,她说。. “Neither of those experiences was fun, 但我觉得这两件事的结合让我意识到我是多么理所当然地接受了整个经历.”

Up until that time, the experience was well worth savoring. During her sophomore year, 布朗成为自2016年妮娜·麦吉(Nina McGee)以来第一位赢得个人全国冠军的杜克大学体操运动员. 她在自由体操上的出色表现帮助球队在全国比赛中获得第四名, the highest finish in program history.

But after losing her mom 和 facing an eight-month recovery, that remarkable success seemed so distant. 棕色(的) was only a week removed from surgery when the campus, 和 the entire world, shut down due to the COVID-19 global p和emic. Because of the surgery, she was unable to fly home to Missouri, 和 since it was her right leg, she could not drive.

“整个团队都回家了,整个校园都回家了,只有我一个人在校园里. That whole summer I was kind of sad,布朗说. “我做了很多反思,但同时我也看了很多体操比赛. 在康复期间被迫独自一人帮助我恢复了健康.”

And come back she did. 大四那年,她的传媒研究专业一如既往地强势回归. She set a new program all-around record; she won the all-around, bars 和 floor titles at the Big 12 championship; she scored two perfect 10s in the NCAA regional final; 和 she had three top 10 finishes at the NCAA nationals.

Her DU career might have ended there, but because of the p和emic, NCAA授予学生运动员额外一年的资格. 棕色(的), 然后继续攻读传播管理的研究生课程, decided to compete for one more year. But at the fourth meet of the season, tragedy struck again.

“I knew right away,” she recalls. 布朗再次撕裂了她的跟腱,但这次是在左腿.

“我们的团队比我第一次撕裂时更强大, so they were going to be fine without me,她说。. “I knew I just needed to be there for them.”

不幸的是,布朗的伤是先锋队三个跟腱撕裂中的第一个. 三周后, Mia Sundstrom tore hers, 和 two weeks after that, the same happened to Emily Glynn. 奇怪的是, 所有三名学生运动员都是利用COVID年的研究生, 和 all three lived together in the same house. 布朗说他们建了一个斜坡,这样他们就可以进入他们的房子. Once inside, all three had to hop up 和 down the stairs.

“It was just shocking. Everyone was in just such disbelief,布朗说. “The three of us had to b和 together 和 support the team, 因为看到三个人都受了同样的伤真是太可怕了. 我们对球队的支持和给他们灌输信心对他们的心理健康非常重要.”

The team competed hard all season, but without the veterans in the lineup, they missed qualifying for the NCAA nationals.


有机会在全国赛上重演球队2019年的壮举,促使布朗决定今年重返第六个赛季, 由于她的第二次跟腱伤在赛季早期就发生了,所以她获得了一年的参赛资格,这是一个机会.

“我知道,如果我身体健康,恢复得很好,我们就能进入全国锦标赛. 我想我可以帮助这个团队走得更远。. “这就是我的目标,让这支球队赢得全国冠军.”

布朗再次从伤病中恢复过来,并帮助先锋队实现了目标. 4月,这支球队主办并赢得了NCAA地区赛,赢得了重返全国赛的机会. 尽管布朗在NCAA全国比赛中打破了她自己的项目记录,获得了最好的全能成绩, 这不足以帮助球队晋级决赛. 最终,她在大学的最后一次表演是在舞池上. She closed out the competition by posting a 9.95分,这是她和麦基赢得全国冠军时的成绩.

“我不认为人们真正理解她所经历的一切,” says Melissa Kutcher-Rinehart, Joy S. Burns head women’s gymnastics coach. 在她在正规赌博十大平台排行的六年旅程中, 从成为全国冠军和全美最佳选手的高潮到失去母亲和受伤的低谷, she’s a true inspiration.”