
Bringing the world to Denver

Visa for 国际学生

International students in the Joint PhD Program are generally assisted in immigration matters by DU's International Student 和 Scholar Services (国际空间站) office, which issues the necessary F-1 和 J-1 visa paperwork. Students also have access to the 正规赌博十大平台排行's Foreign Student Advising Office, which serves many of the needs of international students. All international students are encouraged to consult with DU's Office Of Graduate Education or 国际空间站 with questions regarding international admissions.

目前超过1个,400 international students from 89 countries are studying at the 正规赌博十大平台排行 in various fields.  All international students are required to report to the 国际空间站 office when they arrive in Denver:

International Student Advising Office

2200 S. 约瑟芬街
丹佛,CO 80208
电子邮件: isss@ivantseng.com
点击 在这里 to make an appointment with the 国际空间站 advisor. 在Facebook上找到国际空间站: http://www.facebook.com/isss.du 

International students can apply for F-1 or J-1 visa to enter the US. Find more information on how to acquire F-1 or J-1 visa 在这里. During the program, international students are required to maintain their visa status. 更多信息 在这里 on how to maintain visa status.


All international students are required to have health insurance. 杜提供 Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP). Students can also buy insurance from another company which meets DU的豁免要求. Before registering for classes, students also have to provide 免疫接种证明. Find more information on US healthcare system 和 insurance 在这里.  


Federal immigration regulations limit employment for F-1 和 J-1 students: the kind of employment, the number of hours per week 和 the periods of employment. You should verify that you have authorization before beginning in any form of employment. You are allowed to work on-campus no more than 20 hours per week when school is in session. Find more information on on-campus employment 在这里. 看这个 video using your DU credentials on how to find on-campus employment.

OCI和职位列表页面 lists student employment positions that you can explore by signing in using your DU credentials. This student employment opportunity has helped JDP students fund their education 和 living. 联络 Career 和 Professional Development for student employment inquiries. 学生也可以申请 Curricular Practical Training可选实践培训, or 学术培训. Please consult an 国际空间站 advisor for more information.


JDP does not own nor arrange any housing for students. You may find information regarding resources for on-campus 和 off-campus housing 在这里 或在 国际空间站 housing information page.



DU/Iliff Joint PhD Program in the Study of Religion

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