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正规赌博十大平台排行根据国内税收法(IRC)第403(b)条提供退休计划。, 透过定期自动供款,方便您投资退休生活. 该计划由教师保险和年金协会(TIAA)管理,参与完全是自愿的. It also includes a Roth option.

Contributions are made on a pre-tax or tax-deferred salary reduction basis, 这意味着你当前的应税收入要减去你的供款, 对这些捐款及其投资收益的税收将被推迟,直到它们以退休福利或这些计划的其他分配的形式偿还给你. 对于双周领薪的雇员,退休供款将从每次工资中扣除.


Visit our DU TIAA Website


计划招生 & TIAA磋商

DU员工可以在入职之日起通过DU retirement TIAA网站开设账户并管理自己的退休计划. Contributions can be adjusted at any time through your online TIAA account. For enrollment questions call TIAA customer service at 800-842-2252.

杜克大学员工有资格与大学退休计划服务提供商的财务专业人士会面, TIAA for FREE one-on-one financial consultations held on campus. 雇员不需要成为403(b)计划的参与者就可以使用这项服务. This is a free service, as a part of your DU 好处 package.




Thursday, April 4, 8am to 4pm

Burwell Center, Room 126

Monday, April 15, 8am – 4pm

Burwell Center, Room 126

Tuesday, May 14, 8am – 4pm

Burwell Center, Room 126

Friday, May 31, 8am – 4pm

Burwell Center, Room 126

Wednesday, June 12, 8am – 4pm

Burwell Center, Room 126

To schedule an appointment, employees can call TIAA at 1-800-732-8353 or 点击此处注册. Please note if you sign up as a Guest, 列出的时间将是东部标准时间-所以请相应地调整.


For more information, please contact Jeremy Thompson at 杰里米.thompson@tiaa.org or 303.607.2265.



    杜会将你4%的缴款比例与8%的比例相匹配, for a combined contribution equal to 12 percent of your appointed salary. Vesting of the match dollars is immediate at 100 percent upon enrollment.


    受聘雇员在大学或其他合资格的教育机构服务满一年后,可在任何时间参加退休计划的雇主配对计划. 这项服务要求的定义是在符合退休福利条件的职位上服务一年. A qualified educational institution, per IRC Section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii), 定义为“通常拥有固定的教员和课程,并在其定期进行教育活动的地方通常有定期登记的小学生或学生”的教育组织."


    Requirements for 雇主匹配功能

    To participate in the employer match feature under this plan, you must contribute 4 percent of your appointed salary to your account. 这些捐款可以直接通过TIAA进行广泛的投资选择. Additional contributions via the employer match feature are not permitted.

    ERISA Required Documents

    ERISA Required Documents

    雇员退休收入保障法(ERISA)要求退休计划管理者提供参与者和受益人, 以书面形式, 他们需要知道的正规赌博十大平台排行退休和健康福利计划的最重要的事实. These facts include plan rules, 财务信息, 和 documents on the operation 和 management of the plan.

    当参与者成为erisa覆盖的退休计划的参与者时,他们有权自动收到最重要的文件之一, or a beneficiary receiving benefits under such a plan, is a summary of the plan called the Summary Plan Description or SPD. Under the terms of ERISA, 该文件必须至少每五年向参与者和受益人提供一次, 免费.

    您可以免费索取纸质形式的SPD和/或SMM的副本. Please contact Stephanie Trujillo at 303-871-3549 or Stephanie.Trujillo@ivantseng.com if you would like a paper copy of these documents.

    Review links to retirement plan documents below.

    退休计划 Documents

    Summary Plan Description

    摘要计划描述(SPD)是对计划提供的福利和计划如何运作的详细指南. 它规定了员工何时可以开始参与该计划以及如何申请福利. 如果计划改变, 必须通过修订后的SPD或称为材料修改摘要(SMM)的单独文件通知参与者。. These documents must be provided to participants 免费.

    The 退休计划 Document


    Summary of Material Modifications

    《正规赌博十大平台排行》(SMM)是对计划最重要的变更和《正规赌博十大平台排行》中包含的信息的摘要. 变化包括计划内罗斯滚动式供款和雇主匹配供款.


    New Expense Allocation Method

    10月1日生效, 2020, general plan administrative services expenses (including record keeping, 投资咨询, 和法律)将按比例分配到每个参与者的账户. 这笔管理费用将从计划费用抵销中扣除或净额,按季度分期从您的资产中扣除,这些资产属于该计划的核心投资选项. The total fee will equate to approximately a $0.72 annual charge for every $1,在你的账户上存了000英镑, but may vary based on factors such as plan expenses 和 market conditions. 每个季度,您的在线账户和对账单将逐项列出您账户中的费用, 从你的共同基金投资中获得的净收入分成, 净计划服务费用抵消了你在年金投资中赚到的钱.

    请知道参加退休计划总是要付出代价的. 你之前没有看到一个明确的费用,因为这些费用已经捆绑在投资的年度运营费用比率中. Under the new arrangement, your cost to participate in the plan will be more visible, 直截了当的, 和 equitable across all investments.

    费用有助于确保, regardless of the investments selected, all plan participants share in the cost of retirement plan administration. As you plan your financial goals, keep in mind that fees are just one factor in the decision-making process.

    For more information visit the links below:


