Higher-Risk Destinations

Per policy 2.50.[70]国际旅行风险管理, 到世界上某些地区旅行需要额外的安全考虑,超出一般国际旅行的标准. 所有有兴趣前往“高”评级国家或地区的正规赌博十大平台排行本科生和所有有兴趣前往高风险目的地名单(以下)中“极端”评级国家或地区的正规赌博十大平台排行研究生必须向国际旅游委员会(ITC)申请旅行许可。. 此请求在旅行注册过程中通过回答附加问题提交.

不允许本科生旅行和学生团体前往“极端”等级地区或ITC指定为极端不安全旅行的其他地区. 虽然大学不鼓励研究生, faculty, and staff travel to these areas, 差旅申请审查将逐案进行. 根据旅行的需要,可以批准旅行, level of in-country support, specific location, measures taken to mitigate risks, and other factors.

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Requesting Authorization

To request authorization, register your travel 在预定出发日期前至少4周. 如果需要,请求会被内置到旅行注册表中(请仔细阅读帮助文本)。. 如果需要更多信息,国际旅行风险分析师将与旅行者联系. 如果获得批准,旅行者将收到旅行授权电子邮件. If not approved, 旅行者将不会得到任何资助, 可能要偿还的资金已经分散了, 可能无法获得学分的经验或利用大学支持的旅行, 并可能受到纪律处分. 重要的是,旅行者考虑到审查请求所需的时间,考虑到预定的出发日期和任何到期的财务承诺. 


  • Considerations for Risk Ratings


    如果经过一个高或极端的目的地, 除非您在机场停留超过24小时或计划离开机场一段时间,否则您可以在不申请旅行许可的情况下这样做.


    高旅行风险:具有高安全风险的国家或地区经常出现政治不稳定和相关的治理不善问题, 包括严重的腐败和失败或濒临倒闭的机构. 抗议活动经常是暴力的,可能针对或扰乱外国人. 恐怖主义可能会给旅行者和外籍人士带来很高的附带风险, militancy or insurgency. 社区、宗派或种族暴力很常见,外国人可能成为直接目标. 暴力犯罪率通常很高,针对外国人的诈骗很常见,而且经常有警察串通一气. 基础设施和内部安全和紧急服务很差,可能经常出现滥用正当法律程序的情况.

    极端旅行风险:被评为极端安全风险的国家或地区可能处于战争状态, 失败的国家或政府失去对国家大部分地区控制的国家. 政府控制、法律和秩序可能微乎其微或根本不存在. 恐怖分子对旅行者和侨民进行有针对性的暴力袭击的严重威胁, insurgents, sectarian, 犯罪或其他极端组织. 政府和运输服务通常严重退化或根本不存在.

    极端医疗风险:极端医疗风险评级国家的医疗体系几乎不存在或负担过重. 这可能是由于经济状况,战争和/或缺乏政府稳定. 低质量的急救服务和牙科护理可能无法获得. 高质量的处方药可能无法获得. 伤寒、霍乱、登革热和疟疾等严重传染病可能构成威胁. 患有中度或重度疾病/受伤的旅行者可能需要国际撤离. 

  • Risk Ratings by Country
    updated 6/13/24  
    CountryDestinationDU Risk Rating
    AfghanistanEntire country (+Medical)Extreme
    AlgeriaAreas of El Taref, Souk Ahras and Tebessa provinces within 12 miles (20km) of the Tunisian border; areas within 12 miles of the Libyan border; areas within 30 miles (50km) of the southern borders with Mauritania, Mali and NigerHigh
    AngolaNorth-east of Cabinda exclaveHigh
    BangladeshDhaka; Chittagong Hill TractsHigh
    BelarusEntire countryExtreme
    Benin与布基纳法索和尼日尔接壤, 包括Pendjari (Atakora部门)和W (Alibori部门)国家公园High
    BrazilUrban trouble spotsHigh
    Burkina FasoEntire country (Medical)Extreme
    BurundiEntire country (Medical)Extreme
    CameroonExtreme North region; Bakassi peninsula; Border with Central African Republic; Northwest and Southwest regions (High); Extreme North region bordering Nigeria (Extreme)High/Extreme
    Central African RepublicEntire country (+Medical)Extreme
    Borkou, Ennedi East, Ennedi West and Tibesti regions; areas within 18 miles (30km) of borders with Sudan, CAR, Areas west of Bol in Lac region
    Colombia受非法武装团体活动影响的地区, including those bordering Venezuela and along the Pacific coast (Cauca department) as well as parts of the northern and mid-eastern regions; Cali;Extreme
    Cote d'Ivoire北部与马里和布基纳法索接壤, and Comoe National Park; Liberian border in Montagnes and Bas-Sassandra districts;High
    Democratic Republic of the CongoEntire country (High) North Kivu province (except Goma and Beni); South Kivu province (except Bukavu); Ituri province (except Bunia); Tanganyika province (Extreme)High/Extreme
    EcuadorGuayaquil, 哥伦比亚边境地区*请注意,未来几个月可能会有更多的政治抗议和极端主义High
    EgyptEntire country (High); North Sinai (Extreme)High/Extreme
    EthiopiaEntire country (High); Tigray state (Extreme)High/Extreme
    GambiaEntire country (Medical)Extreme
    GeorgiaAbkhazia, South OssetiaHigh
    GuatemalaGuatemala City; Chiquimula, Petén, Zacapa and Izabal departmentsHigh
    GuineaEntire country (Medical)Extreme
    Guinea-BissauEntire country (Medical)Extreme 
    HaitiEntire country (+Medical)Extreme
    HondurasEntire countryHigh
    IndiaAsom (Assam), Manipur, Nagaland; some districts of Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Maharashtra, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh; Kashmir division and parts of Jammu division (both Jammu and Kashmir union territory)High
    IndonesiaCentral Papua, Highland PapuaHigh
    IraqEntire country (+Medical)Extreme
    Israel, West Bank, & GazaEntire countryExtreme
    JamaicaWest Kingston, Spanish Town;High
    JordanEntire countryHigh
    Kenya索马里边境的瓦吉尔县, Mandera, Garissa and Lamu; Nairobi; the northern counties of Turkana, West Pokot, Samburu, Marsabit and IsioloHigh
    LebanonEntire countryExtreme
    LiberiaEntire country (Medical)Extreme 
    LibyaEntire country (+Medical)Extreme
    Madagascar安诺西(除了其首都多芬堡(Tôlanaro))和阿齐莫-阿齐纳纳地区(东南部) High
    MaliEntire country (Medical) Extreme
    MauritaniaEastern desert areasHigh
    MexicoBaja California, Chihuahua, Colima (Extreme), 瓜纳华托(瓜纳华托市除外), Dolores Hidalgo, San Miguel de Allende), Guerrero (Extreme), 哈利斯科州(与科利马接壤的城市和米却肯州西南部以及阿兰达斯北部地区), Tepatitlan, and Tequila municipalities), Mexico, Michoacan (Extreme), Morelos, Nuevo Leon, Puebla, Sinaloa (Extreme), Sonora (except Hermosillo, Nogales), Tabasco, Tamaulipas (Extreme), Veracruz, Zacatecas (Extreme)High/Extreme
    MoldovaEntire countryExtreme
    MozambiqueMacomia, Meluco, Mocimboa da Praia, Muidumbe, Nangade, 帕尔马和基桑加区(全部德尔加多角省)Extreme
    MyanmarEntire countryExtreme
    NigerEntire country + (Medical)Extreme
    NigeriaEntire country (High); Borno state (Extreme)High/Extreme
    North Korea*旅行禁令生效*极端-整个国家Extreme
    PakistanEntire country (High); Districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa bordering the former Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA); Balochistan except for Gwadar and central districts ;The former Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province)(Extreme)High/Extreme
    Papua New GuineaEntire countryHigh
    PeruEne, Apurimac and Mantaro River Valley (VRAEM); Puno Region (High); Colombian-Peruvian border (Extreme)High/Extreme
    RussiaEntire countryExtreme
    Saudi ArabiaIraq border areas; Yemen border areas; Abha airport; Qatif in the Eastern ProvinceHigh
    Sao Tome and PrincipeEntire country (Medical)Extreme
    SenegalEntire country High
    Sierra LeoneEntire country (Medical)Extreme
    SomaliaEntire country  (Medical)Extreme
    South AfricaHigh-density, low-income urban areas; *Note the effects and implications of load-shedding/power outages across the countryHigh
    South SudanEntire country (+Medical)Extreme
    SudanEntire country (+Medical)Extreme
    SyriaEntire countryExtreme
    TajikistanAfghan border; Areas of Sughd province bordering Kyrgyzstan; Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous OblastHigh
    Trinidad & TobagoLaventille, BeethamHigh
    TunisiaLibyan border areas; areas within 25 miles (40km) of the Algerian border; Mount Chaambi, Mount Mgilla, Mount Salloum and Mount SammamaHigh
    TurkmenistanBorder areas with AfghanistanHigh
    UgandaAreas within 18.6英里(30公里)的刚果(金),南苏丹边境High
    UkraineEntire countryExtreme
    VenezuelaEntire country (Medical)Extreme
    YemenEntire country (+Medial)Extreme
