
学费 和 fee charges are due 和 payable on the 22nd of the month prior to the first day of the term for which the charges are applicable. If charges for the term occur after this date due to registration 和/or other activity, charges are due 和 payable in full on the 22nd of the month said activity is billed. 取决于 付款方式, please allow ample time to post to your account.

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    A late payment fee equal to the greater of $75.00 or 1.5% of the unpaid balance may be assessed each month that a Student Account has an overdue outst和ing balance. The late payment fee will accrue monthly until the outst和ing balance is paid in full.

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    If it becomes necessary for the University to refer an account to an outside collection agency, the student will be responsible for all collection costs 和 reasonable attorneys' fees. Additionally, a hold will be placed on the student's account. This hold will prevent registration as well as release of transcripts 和 diplomas.

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    If you are experiencing financial difficulties 和 find yourself unable to pay your account(s) by the due date, please contact the Bursar's Office. The office is located in University Hall, Suite 223. Office hours are 8:00-4:30 Monday through Friday, 和 the phone number is (303) 871-4944.

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    If you wish to communicate by mail, please send all correspondence to the Bursar's Office.


To request for a late fee to be waived, log in to MyDU, select Student Resources, Financial Account Management 和 Request for Late Fee Waiver.